Student Research and Creativity Conference
The 27th annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (SRCC) is planned for Friday, May 2, 2025. Student proposals for research poster sessions, oral presentations, and performances of creative work are cordially welcomed. Online abstract submission will be available through the SRCC abstract submission site by early spring semester. Abstracts are generally accepted each spring semester with deadlines in late March. After consultation with a faculty mentor or instructor, students initiate the application process. The faculty mentor or instructor is then asked to review and approve the application.
In 2025, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Graduate Research Fair will be run concurrently with the SRCC.
Abstract Submission
abstract submission closed
SRCC oral presentations are scheduled every 15 minutes, scheduled in 1-hour sessions. Student presenters should plan on providing a 10-12 minute formal presentation with 3-5 minutes for Q&A and changeover of speakers. Each room is provides with a computer and projector. Please stay and participate in the entire 1-hour session (or longer).
Specifics and Expectations
- SRCC posters must be 30" x 40." Landscape or portrait orientation is fine.
- You will be provided with one easel, a 32” x 40” foam core board, and mounting clips.
- Due to space limitations, each presentation is provided a single easel and oversized posters are not allowed.
- By request, a small table can be provided and shared with other presenters. Posters should be placed on easels, and tables saved for laptops, artwork, and other materials directly related to the presentation.
- There will be three poster rotations and each rotation lasts for one hour. Easels are not assigned, but there will be enough easels so each presentation will have one easel. Please arrive well in advance of your assigned poster time so you can be ready to hang your poster at the assigned time.
- You are expected to be present next to your poster during your scheduled hour and be available to interact with your audience and answer questions about your poster.
Poster Design
- SRCC poster templates are available.
- Your poster should be aimed at your audience. People attending this event represent a diversity of disciplines so you should aim your poster for a general audience. When possiblle, avoid the use of discipline-specific terminology (jargon).
- Your poster should be easy to follow and tell the story of your project. Someone looking at your poster should understand what you did and discovered. A poster consisting only of text is unlikely to be read by the audience and a poster consisting only of pictures/figures does not explain the significance of your project. Your poster should provide a mix of text, figures, and/or tables and enough detail to tell your "story."
Poster printing
For the Spring 2025 SRCC, the Provost has partnered with the Undergraduate Research to pay the full cost of printing one 30" x 40" poster for each student or group of students presenting a poster at the SRCC (regular cost $26.25). This is for a poster printed on satin poster paper. No lamination or mounting of posters onto foam board is done for this event. Foam board will be provided at the event to hang up your poster. If you would like a different image for the background of your poster and need a high resolution image, please contact the Design and Print Center as they may be able to download one for you.
Deadline: The request form (with attached poster file) must be submitted by Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at midnight in order to receive the complimentary poster. Posters will still be accepted for printing until Friday, April 25, but at the full price . Due to the large number of posters needed for SRCC, the Design and Print Center may not be able to accept posters after Friday, April 25th, and you will be on your own to get it printed.
Format: Fill out the Poster Request Form and upload your file to the Design and Print Center. Posters must be either a PowerPoint or a PDF file* and should be sized to 30" x 40" (either vertical or horizontal). *Please no .key files
Pick-up: Once you receive email notification that your poster is ready, you must pick it up in the basement of Bulger Communication Center Monday-Friday between 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
SRCC Program and Abstracts
27th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference
26th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2024)
25th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2023)
24th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2022)
23rd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2021)
22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2020)
21st Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2019)
20th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2018)
19th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2017)
18th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2016)
17th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2015)
16th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2014)
15th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2013)
14th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2012)
13th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2011)
12th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2010)
11th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2009)
10th Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference (2008)
hardcopies of older SRCC programs are available in the E.H. Butler Library archives